
Product Round-up: AMTA's 2023 National Convention

By Massage Today, Editorial Staff
September 13, 2023

Product Round-up: AMTA's 2023 National Convention

By Massage Today, Editorial Staff
September 13, 2023

Body Bliss Turquoise Sage Oil

Body Bliss’ turquoise Sage massage oil is a soothing oil enriched with supercritical CO2 extract of Arnica, a pre- and post-sport tonic for the body. The oil is scented with lavender and sage essential oils and is available in eight-ounce and two-ounce sizes.

doTERRA AromaTouch Training Kit

The doTERRA AromaTouch Training Kit comes with everything necessary to perform the AromaTouch technique. The kit includes: doTERRA Balance (15mL), Lavender (15mL), Peppermint (15mL), tea Tree (15mL), Wild Orange (15mL), AromaTouch (15mL), Deep Blue (15mL), doTERRA On Guard (15mL), Fractionated Coconut Oil (115mL), Fractionated Coconut Oil Pump, and AromaTouch Training Informational Card. Access to the official doTERRA AromaTouch Technique Certification course is also included with the kit.

Myofascial Releaser Ellipse Pro

The Ellipse Pro from Myofascial Releaser is a tool ideal for myofascial release and IASTM techniques to provide relief for muscle pain and tightness. The versatile tool has multiple sized beveled edges on the convex and concave curves as well as three finger holes to help grip the tool properly and save fingers from strain. The tool weighs 6.5 ounces and is 20.5 centimeters long.

MuscleCare Extra Strength Roll-On

MuscleCare Extra Strength Roll-on a topical analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic that combines menthol and camphor for immediate pain relief with magnesium, glucosamine, MSM, and chondroitin to relax muscle tension, improve circulation, promote healing, and reset the muscle at its normal resting length. The roll-on offers the convenience of applying MuscleCare in hard-to-reach areas of the back without using your hands.

See Also: Product Round-Up: Self-Massage Tools

Earthlite Professional Massage Table Warmer

The Earthlite Professional Massage Table Warmer is a commercial grade heating and fleece pad made with a 0.5” fleeced cover. The product is now ETL Certified to meet North American safety standards and has a three-level temperature warming element with overheat protection for both comfort and safety.

Plant Therapy Smellease

Smellease, from Plant Therapy, is the company’s first single-use, disposable aromatherapy packet. The packets are an easy-to-store, easy-to-use solution for on demand aromatherapy in clinical settings. Smellease packets come in ginger, peppermint, and lavender packets.


TrapPress is a new trigger point therapy clamp that is customized for the unique structure of the upper trapezius muscles. The tool helps to relax and neutralize the trapezius muscles to ease headaches and tension pain. With the TrapPress, massage therapists can provide pain relief for their clients while keeping their fingers, hands, and wrists safe and free of injury.

See Also: Product Round-Up: Technology Trends

Bruizex Lymphatic Massage Oil

Bruizex’s Lymphatic Massage Oil is a natural coconut oil designed to be used for lymphatic tissue massage. The product is intended to promote lymphatic system health and recovery and help with pain, swelling, bruising, and water retention. The oil is infused with geranium, grapefruit, cypress, orange, lavender, and vanilla essential oils.


Poplin is a commercial laundry service that can help massage therapists put an end to constantly doing the laundry. For $1 per pound with free pickup and delivery, Poplin will wash, dry, and fold any sheets and towels a massage therapist may have. Laundry is tagged and kept separate from other orders, no high heat is used unless specially noted, and the Poplin Protection Plan covers up to $1,000 of laundry per order.