My Farewell Column
Ralph Stephens,
September 11, 2020
My Farewell Column
Ralph Stephens,
September 11, 2020
When I entered the profession 34 years ago, I quickly became engaged and involved. Looking back now, I can say unequivocally that the profession has been very good to me and I have done my best to be a positive influence, to lead by example, and to give back.
In the Beginning
The “renaissance wave” of massage that began in the 1970s washed over the profession and left behind an increasing demand for massage therapy but a contracting number of schools and therapists. At times, massage therapy was accepted by the medical professions as at the forefront of healing and wellness, at other times, not. I remember times as a massage therapist that were lucrative, and times that were not. Various factors were at play each time the massage profession contracted.
The constant in all of the change is our place as standard bearers of manual medicine. Relaxation massage is the smallest part of our lineage. Fortunately, through the dark, down times, a valiant few always kept the true spirit and ethics of massage alive. They passed it along to the next wave as the profession (and the public) again awakened. As the profession goes through its current challenges, I wonder who will keep the light of the profession burning. I hope many of you.
Sharing Wise Words
If you’re just starting in the massage profession, remember: You will get out of the profession what you put in. Get involved. Successful therapists become that way through constant study and working hard to promote their practices. The best way to grow a practice is to become very good. All the great therapists I know make regular investments in advanced continuing education courses, practice, study and professionalism.
Not-So-Final Farewell
I was blessed to have many mentors, but there is not enough space here to write about all or even a few of them. They know who they are. Thank you all.
I was also blessed to be sent so many great students, and I thank you for the opportunity to pass along my love and knowledge of the massage therapy profession. I hope I did justice to the knowledge and techniques entrusted to me.
I thank Massage Today for the opportunity to write this, my 116th column. I was the first columnist signed to the magazine and am the longest continuous running author. Thank you to all my editors.
Most of all, thank you to all my readers who have supported me, criticized me, dialogued with me and made this column highly read and requested for many years. I have tried to stimulate thought and discussion, as that is how professions evolve. Thank you one and all for allowing me to be myself and to work with such an incredible group of people over this past 34 years.
As I withdraw from the massage therapy profession, I hope to get to know my grandkids and golf clubs better, maybe play some music. I’ll still be around and will show up where and when you least expect it. See you then and there!